Managing significant debt can be incredibly stressful, whether the source of that debt is credit card bills, medical bills, student loans or more. For many, adding to this stress is constant harassment from creditors and collection agencies.
At Grainger Hawley & Shinbaum, LLC, we help individuals and families throughout Prattville and Alabama understand their options to relieve their debt. When bankruptcy is the best option, we discuss what the automatic stay is and how this can provide immediate protection and benefits.
As soon as you file bankruptcy, whether Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, the automatic stay goes into effect. The benefits of the automatic stay are vast and include:
Simply put, the automatic stay gives you the freedom to navigate the bankruptcy process and develop a plan that works for you without immediate fear of creditors taking action against you.
Prior to filing bankruptcy, you may have serious concerns and goals for your future financial stability. You may fear the foreclosure of your home, the repossession of your car or valuable possessions, the shutting off of your electricity or other utilities and more. Upon meeting with us, our attorneys will get to know you and your goals. We then will identify a strategy to pursue these goals when feasible.
In many cases, the automatic stay provides a short-term solution to accomplish some of your most pressing goals, like keeping your home or car. We will tell you how the automatic stay may benefit your unique situation, while also proactively considering other long-term options.
Learn how the automatic stay could benefit you by speaking with our experienced lawyer, Bradley Hawley. Schedule a consultation at our Prattville office by calling 334-361-7750 or by sending us an email.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.