Category: Bankruptcy

Signs your credit card debt has pushed you toward bankruptcy

Even if you believe you are responsible with your credit card, it is incredibly easy to end up in debt. Many people fail to read the fine print or fail to realize universal default still exists. All these can gradually push you more toward unmanageable debt where filing for bankruptcy may be your only option. Bankruptcy has… Continue reading Signs your credit card debt has pushed you toward bankruptcy

Understanding the debtor education course after bankruptcy

Some may not be aware, but there are additional steps to take after you file for bankruptcy. In order to receive a discharge for your bankruptcy, you must complete the debtor education course. This makes it an important and critical step in your bankruptcy process. To ensure that you complete the entire process properly so… Continue reading Understanding the debtor education course after bankruptcy

Chapter 7 bankruptcy vs. Chapter 13 bankruptcy: What are the differences?

When it comes to increasing your levels of stress, there are few things that do it more efficiently than financial troubles. Unfortunately, these types of issues are relatively common across the nation. While it may not be a perfect solution, declaring bankruptcy can provide people with relief from their debts and the stresses that come… Continue reading Chapter 7 bankruptcy vs. Chapter 13 bankruptcy: What are the differences?


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